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Growing STEM Knowledge Community


"Growing STEM" is a U-M Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Knowledge Community (KC) led by faculty and staff seeking to form collaborations across academic units to improve the pipeline and experience of underrepresented groups into STEM. Through this Knowledge Community, collaborators across the U-M campus and across institutions seek to positively impact the trajectory of individuals from underrepresented groups including: pre-college programs, outreach and admissions, undergraduate and graduate programs, and professional settings.

This multi-prong approach is grounded in research that informs challenges and opportunities for collaboration in advancing individuals from underrepresented groups into careers in STEM.

Leading this work are Angela Dillard, associate dean for undergraduate education in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Derrick Scott, director of Inclusion and Multicultural Engineering Programs in the College of Engineering (both at the University of Michigan).

Additional Resources

Campus Climate and STEM Success blog series
This blog series on campus climate and STEM success aims to unpack differences, similarities, and connections between STEM departmental climate and the climate of the campus at large to highlight approaches that can increase the enrollment, retention, and success of marginalized students. A partnership between the American Council on Education and the NCID.

Kezar, A., & Holcombe, E. (2016). Creating a Unified Community of Support: Increasing Success for Underrepresented Students in STEM (Rep.). Los Angeles, CA: USC Rossier School of Education.

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