Warren Oliver
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Why did you decide to pursue the museum studies minor?
I’ve always been interested in the historical aspect of museums. Plus, everyone says that teaching is the way to go with a history degree and I want to do something different.
How was your internship experience?
My internship was at the Museum of Paleontology. I worked at the storage facility of the museum’s collections and made 3-D models of unique invertebrate specimens. It was so cool because these models were pretty much the first models of these objects made for other scientists to study.
How did the virtual exhibit project from Museums 301 help reveal the interdisciplinarity of museums to you?
The project was pretty general and inclusive, and was designed to allow you to pick whatever you wanted whether it was cultural or scientific. I chose to focus on something with a historical basis and used stuff I had learned from other classes. But I think the interdisciplinarity became evident in the variety of projects.
What was the thematic focus of the Museums 401 class you took and how did it add to the museum studies minor experience?
It was interesting. The focus was on living collections and looking back on it, it was a nice way to round out the minor. The class showed the difficulties of the institution of museums and compared the difference between living and nonliving collections.
How do you feel your life at the university and beyond has been and will be affected by pursuing a museum studies minor?
Well, I squeezed all the classes in despite being a transfer student, which was difficult and affected my university life. But it was worth it. As for how it will affect me, the minor will be a good thing to have on my resume. It’s an added bonus that will push me over the edge.
Where do you see museums fitting into your future?
I want to work in a museum. But I also want to stay involved even if it’s not what pays me. I’ve loved museums since I was a kid and I want to continue being involved with them. I want to make the happen.