The Global Scholars Program (GSP) is a Michigan Learning Community that prepares sophomore, junior, and senior University of Michigan undergraduates to be interculturally responsive global citizens, champions for meaningful change and innovative leaders of tomorrow.
GSP students have opportunities throughout the year to deepen their understanding of and commitment to global social justice. These opportunities include completing projects for our international NGO partners, traveling with GSP for service learning abroad, and engaging in meaningful dialogues to learn from other GSP students’ perspectives and experiences. Additionally GSP hosts an annual Global Citizenship in Practice event and a Global Engagement Symposium featuring students, alumnx, and guest speakers addressing critical global issues.
Sophomore status or higher by the beginning of the academic year for which you are applying - transfer and exchange students are welcome to apply!
A strong interest in studying and addressing critical global issues in GSP’s required courses and through active engagement in our community.
GSP students come from all over the world to form a unique academic living-learning community. Prior intercultural or international experience is not required. All majors welcome!