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2015 Classical Reception Workshop (U Michigan and Northwestern University)

Saturday, May 9, 2015
4:00 AM
2175 Angell Hall

10:10am: Philosophy, Ancient and Modern

  • Arlene Saxonhouse: “‘Save Our City’: The
    Curious Absence of Aeschylus in
    Contemporary Political Theory”
  • Frederika Tevebring: “Nietzsche vs. Classics,
    It’s a Draw”
  • Ruth Mary Martin: “Bakhtin’s Socrates:
    Platonic Dialogue and the Origin of the
  • Sara Ahbel-­Rappe and Eleanor Rappe:
    “Plato’s Games”

1:00pm: Lunch Break

2:00pm: Visit to Papyrology Library (meet in
Classics Library)

3:10pm: Classics in the 19th Century

  • Heidi Morse: “Roman Slave Law and Black
    Testimony in 19th Century America”
  • Neville McFerrin: “The Body Politic: How
    Neo-­Classical Fashion Helped Shape the
    Politics of Nineteenth Century Britain”

4:30pm: Break

4:45pm: Reception in Opera

  • Jason Geary: “Strauss’s Elektra and the
    Violence of Modernism”
  • Megan Wilson: discussion, selection from
    Ancient Rome in Early Opera