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CfC-CTI Classical Receptions Workshop

Friday, April 25, 2014
4:00 AM
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

An event driven by the partnership between the Classical Traditions Initiative at Northwestern University and Contexts for Classics at the University of Michigan.

Friday, April 25th: Kresge Hall 2-500

4:00-6:00pm Session One: Art and Display

  • Cassie Olien: “Fragments of a ‘New Antiquity': The Collection, Restoration, and Display of Cypriot Limestone Sculpture at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the Late Nineteenth Century”
  • Emma Sachs: “Style as Reception: Eclecticism and Display in Mid-First Century CE Campanian Domestic Environments”
  • Jake: “William Blake's Laocoön: The Politics of Reception and Resistance”

6:30 pm Dinner at Mt. Everest, Evanston.

Saturday, April 26th: University Hall 201 The Hagstrum Room.

10 am – 12:00pm: Session Two: The Long 19th Century, Part One

  • Tristan Bradshaw: “Hegel and Oedipus at Colonus
  • Nick Geller: “Iphigenia among the Moderns: Goethe's Iphigenie auf Tauris
  • Ian Koller: “Hofmannsthal's Elektra and Freudian Tragedy”

12:00 – 1:00 pm catered lunch

1:00 – 3:00 pm Session Three: The Long 19th Century, Part Two

  • Frederika Tevebring: "Hegel and the Elgin Marbles." 
  • Alex Potts, “The Impossible Ideal: Romantic Conceptions of the Parthenon Sculptures in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain and Germany.” In Art in Bourgeois Society, 1790-1850, ed. Andrew Hemingway and William Vaughan, 101-22. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
  • Clara Bosak Schroeder: “Gorillas in the Text: Thomas Staughton Savage and the Periplus of Hanno”
  • Neville McFerrin: “Dressing the Ideal Woman: Classical Fashion, Neoclassical Revival and the Mediation of Women's Costume”

3:00 – 3:30 Coffee/tea break

3:30-5:30 Session Four: Classics and Education

  • Harriett Fertik: “Classics, Citizenship, and African-American Education in Postbellum America"
  • Will Cochran: “John Cooper and Pierre Hadot on Ancient Philosophy as a Way of Life"
  • Evan Dutmer: “Rorty's Plato”

6:00 – 8:00 The Lake Room, Norris Center

Dinner, and readings from recent plays: Ellen McLaughlin’s Helen, Charles Mee’s Iphigenia 2.0, and Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses.

Saturday night: Green Mill jazz club

Sunday April 27th: University Hall 201 The Hagstrum Room.

10:00 am – 12:00 pm Session Five: Receptions within and beyond antiquity

  • Ellen Cole: “Remembering ‘Maidenly’ Vergil: Sexual Reception in Ausonius’s Cento Nuptialis
  • Katie Hartsock: “Back to the Middle: Ovid’s Revisionary Heroides
  • Elizabeth Hunter: “Biopunk Persephone: Linked Inquiries in  Fan Studies and Classical Receptions”
  • Siobhan McElduff: "Fractured Understandings: Towards a History of Classical Reception among Non-elite Groups.” In Classics and the Uses of Reception, ed. C. Martindale and R.Thomas, 181-191. Blackwell, 2006.

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch