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Penny Stamps Distinguished Speaker Series. “People I Know.”

Thursday, November 6, 2014
5:00 AM
Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty

For more than two decades, Latvian photographer Inta Ruka has photographed the people of Latvia to provide an undisguised view on the current state of flux in Latvia since its integration into the European Union.  From 1984 to 2000, she photographed primarily in the rural area of Balvi and, later on, increasingly in the capital of Riga. In the series "People I happened to meet", she strikes up conversations with unknown people in order to ask them for a portrait. In "Amalias Street 5", she focused on the inhabitants of an apartment complex in Riga. Her photographs have been shown at the 48th Biennale of Venice, the Photography Centre in Istanbul  and the Barbican Arts Centre in London.

The lecture will be followed by a screening of the film Road’s End – A Story from Latvia (Vägens Ände), featuring the still photography of Inta Ruka.

Sponsors: Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series; Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies; Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies

Inta Ruka, photographer