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WCED Symposium. "World Leaders Respond to the European Crisis: A View from Warsaw and Prague."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
4:00 AM
Rackham Amphitheatre

The Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies (WCED), along with the International Policy Center at the University of Michigan, will present a symposium on April 17, 2012, entitled “The European Crisis: A View from Warsaw and Prague.” The invited guests of honor and participants are Petr Pithart (Czech Prime Minister, 1990-92) and Witold Sobkow (Polish Ambassador to the United Nations).
As the recent crises in Hungary, Greece, and other European countries demonstrate, democracy in Europe may be established—but it is not stable. The Czech Republic and Poland are widely recognized for their accomplishments in the transition to electoral democracy and to free market economies. With these successes come challenges: both citizens and scholars have raised concerns about corruption, the moral fabric of society, abuse of government power, and the need to build further political institutions. Given their active role in transforming their countries, and the wealth of their experience, our invited guests offer a unique perspective on the recent events in Europe in this context.

Please note that President László Sólyom of Hungary and President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland, who were to be speakers at this event, will not be able to attend.