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CES/ISP Lecture. “The Satellite Mosque in Europe: Arab Preachers on TV and Internet.”

Monday, October 26, 2015
4:00 AM
1636 International Institute/SSWB, 1080 S. University

Traditionally marginal on Arab television, within the last twenty years Islamic subjects, preachers, and programs have come to great prominence. This coincides with the proliferation of satellite television and thus the re-integration of Arabs in Europe into a pan-Arab public sphere. This talk will sketch the historical development of Islamic TV programming, provide an overview of channels and program formats today, and discuss its significance to Muslims in Europe.

Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen is professor in the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen. His field of research is modern Islam, with a focus is on the establishment of a modern Muslim public sphere, and the role of the Muslim ulama in modern Arab states. Lately, his research has primarily focused on Islam’s position in the new pan-Arab television networks and the Sectarian issue in Syria. Recent publications include Islam on Arab TV (2013) and Arab Media Moguls (co-edited with Donatella della Ratta and Naomi Sakr, 2015).

Sponsors: CES, ISP, Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies

Part of the European Mosque series, jointly sponsored by the Center for European Studies and Islamic Studies Program, which focuses on the mosque and its place in the European landscape. What cultural and social role does the mosque play for Muslims in Europe? How do European mosques blend traditional Islamic and modern European architectural features, and traditional preaching with modern technology? What is unique about the European mosque, and how does it shape the lives of European Muslims?  

Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen, professor of cross-cultural and regional studies, University of Copenhagen