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International Law Workshop/Conversations on Europe. “Anti-Terrorism Efforts and the Rule of Law—A European Perspective.”

Thursday, October 30, 2014
4:00 AM
1020 South Hall, 701 S. State

Anti-terrorism measures frequently come into conflict with fundamental rights guarantees. In a series of recent landmark judgments, the European Court of Justice has reviewed and, on occasion, struck down, the enforcement of such measures—even those ordered by the United Nations Security Council—for failure to comply with basic constitutional guarantees. Judge Rosas, a sitting member of that court and a scholar of human rights law, will discuss the significance of these decisions, and what they mean for reconciling anti-terrorism efforts with basic requirements of the rule of law in Europe.

Sponsors: Center for International and Comparative Law, Center for European Studies

Hon. Allan Rosas, judge, Court of Justice of the European Union