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European Law Moot Court Team Presentation. “Same-Sex Marriage and the EU.”

Monday, January 27, 2014
5:00 AM
218 Hutchins Hall

About the event:
The University of Michigan Law School European Law Moot Court student team will discuss the salient topic of same-sex marriage rights in the European Union. They will explore the issue as it is framed in the hypothetical case given for the European Law Moot Court (ELMC) competition: a Member State who does not recognize same-sex marriage, is refusing to acknowledge, for immigration purposes, a same-sex marriage lawfully performed in another Member State. The question presented is whether marriages performed in Member States are portable into other Member States (marriage recognition), and if the refusal to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other Member States constitutes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

The ELMC is the most prestigious world-wide moot court competition on European Union law held under the auspices of the Court of Justice of the European Union. This academic year, the competition will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary. The Court of Justice of the European Union officially sponsors the moot court and the Judges of the Court participate in adjudicating in the regional competitions, with the panel of the grand finale in Luxembourg consisting of sitting ECJ Judges and Advocate Generals on the premises of the Court. This is the first year that the U-M team submitted a case for the ELMC competition.

The Team:
The team consists of Chloe Bell (LLM candidate), from Northern Ireland, UK; Brian Dearing (JD candidate) from Flushing, MI; Kyle Luebke (JD candidate) from Memphis, TN; Ali Beidoun (JD candidate) from Livonia, MI; and Nika Bacic (LLM candidate) from Zagreb, Croatia.

Sponsors: CES, Center for International and Comparative Law