2016 ALC Graduate Student Awards
Kunisuke Hirano - Hide Shohara Fellowship and the Philip Thomas Lincoln, Jr. Memorial Endowment Fellowship
In summer 2016, Kunisuke will use his funding to visit four different schools in Japan to conduct preliminary ethnographic research. His research investigates alternative education in Japan, those schools that offer non-traditional curricula, which is a growing category in contemporary Japan. These schools attempt to be different from Japan’s traditional discipline-centered, cramming-oriented pedagogies, and are designed to educate a range of students including those who have been bullied or dropped out of other schools.
Yucong Hao - Hide Shohara Fellowship
Yucong was awarded the Hide Shohara Fellowship which will fund her study of Russian language at LSA's Summer Language Institute. The skill of Russian is indispensable to her current research project that examines the 1930s international proletarian movement in art and literature.
Randeep Hothi - Social Science Research Council (International Dissertation Research Fellowship), National Science Foundation (Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant), Wenner-Gren Foundation (Dissertation Improvement Grant), and the American Institute of Indian Studies (Junior Research Fellowship)
Randeep’s project, which studies Sikh media and its transnational circulation, has been awarded funding by four major agencies: the Social Science Research Council (International Dissertation Research Fellowship), National Science Foundation (Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant), Wenner-Gren Foundation (Dissertation Improvement Grant), and the American Institute of Indian Studies (Junior Research Fellowship). His study entails approximately two years of in-depth ethnographic field research in the United States, Canada, England, and India. Ultimately, his dissertation should culminate in a theoretically oriented and inter-disciplinary project that examines how Sikh forms of life re-invent and re-assert themselves under the conditions of late-modern globalization.