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Areas of Expertise

  • Prehistoric Aegean
  • The Cyclades
  • Networks
  • Island archaeology
  • Ceramics analysis
  • Bronze Age economy
  • Craft production
  • Mobility
  • Learning and practice

Research Topics

  • Analysis of shifting mechanisms of exchange and their socioeconomic effects in the Cyclades, 3rd-2nd millennia BCE
  • Diachronic study of metal and metallurgical artifacts, as well as charcoal, from northern Kea, Cyclades, Greece (Final Neolithic-Late Bronze Age, 4th-2nd millennia BCE)
  • Middle Bronze Age (earlier 2nd millennium BCE) pottery, especially ceramic fabrics and forming methods, from Ayia Irini, Kea
  • Bronze Age evidence from the Kea Archaeological Research Survey

Project Website


  • Ancient Cities
  • Minoans and Mycenaeans
  • Greece before History
  • Ceramics Analysis
  • The Mediterranean: Classical Studies
  • Graduate seminars on the Bronze Age Aegean, Bronze Age economy and exchange, approaches to craft production, archaeological networks, island archaeology