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Alicia Ventresca-Miller

Assistant Professor of Anthropology; Assitant Curator of Archaeological Sciences at UMMAA; Director of the Ancient Protein and Isotope Laboratory; Advisory Committee Member, Archaeology at Michigan

Archaeology at Michigan; Asian Archaeology; Anthropological Archaeology; Archaeological Science; Bioarchaeology; Environmental Archaeology; Prehistoric Archaeology; Archaeology of Inner Asia; Archaeology of Central Asia; Siberian Archaeology

Areas of Expertise

  • Ancient proteins
  • Stable isotope analysis
  • ZooMS
  • Human osteology
  • Dental wear
  • Pathology

Research Topics

  • The reconstruction of dietary intake of prehistoric societies
  • The extent of human mobility in the past
  • Livestock management and landscape use
  • The introduction of dairying
  • Anthropogenic impacts and shifting landscapes in the past
  • The timing of the adoption of domesticated plants and animals
  • Variation in trajectories of human societies after the adoption of domesticates
  • Pastoralism / Pastoral lifeways
  • Ancient infrastructure

Project Website


  • Early Civilizations
  • Archaeology II (Core Course)
  • Methods in Archaeological Science
  • Field School (Mongolia)