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What is Critical A/PIA Studies?

Saturday, March 22, 2014
4:00 AM
3512 Haven Hall

A Graduate Student Symposium on Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies

Schedule of Events:

9-10AM Breakfast and Welcoming Remarks
10-11AM Keynote Speaker: David Palumbo-Liu, Professor of Comparative Literature, Stanford University
11AM-12PM Panel 1: Social Movements, Activism, and Resistance. Presenters: Sony Coráñez Bolton, Meryem Kamil, Vivian Truong. Moderator: Emily Lawsin
12PM-1PM Lunch
1PM-2:30PM Panel 2: Exploring Critical A/PIA Studies Through Literary Perspectives. Presenters: Benjamin Hiramatsu Ireland, Lisa Jong, Mika Kennedy, Jina Kim. Moderator: Susan Najita
2:30-3:30PM Roundtable: Academic Boycott and the State of A/PIA Studies. Moderators: David Palumbo-Liu and Scott Kurashige.
3:30-4PM Closing Remarks