We're proud to announce that American Culture won the 2024 Department Award for Outstanding Contrubutions to Undergraduate Education

This award, which was established in 1992 by LSA to reward units for their contributions to the reinvigoration of undergraduate education in the College, recognises the department's contribution to excellence and innovation in undergraduate education. 

As Associate Dean Tim McKay indicates, "American Culture plays a very special role in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Your broad interdisciplinarity and undergraduate teaching profile giving American Culture (in the words of your nomination package) a 'unique place … in connecting seemingly discrete fields and ideas together.' Students come to AC with a wide range of backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives, and AC faculty have done a great deal of ongoing dynamic pedagogical and curricular work in an effort to serve these students and the College as a whole. In this sense, your department provides an example to which all other departments might aspire."

Congratulations to all the AC faculty and staff!