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3rd Year Prospectus Presentations

Friday, March 13, 2015
4:00 AM
3512 Haven Hall

American Culture Workshop

Please join us for an upcoming, in-house workshop with American Culture 3rd year Graduate Students. The students will present their prospectuses for their dissertation work.

This workshop features:

Stephen Molldrem, “Queer Subjects of the Nation-State: Gay Men, Health, Digital Technology and the Administration of Homosexual Life in the United States, 1996 – 2010s”
Joo Young Lee, “Visualizing Genealogies: Representations of Afro-Koreans and Afro-Korean Americans in Comparative Transnational Media, 1955-2014"
Iván Chaar-López, “Drones and the U.S.-Mexico Border: An Archaeology of Technologies of Vision, Control, and Empire.”

Lunch is provided. RSVP to