Last month, Our Compelling Interests editors Earl Lewis and Nancy Cantor brought together thoughtful figures and leaders of religious diversity for a panel discussion in Pittsburgh. The event was based on Eboo Patel’s contribution to the series, Out of Many Faiths: Religious Diversity and the American Promise. Including Patel himself (Founder and President, Interfaith Youth Core), Mayor William Peduto (City of Pittsburgh), Rabbi Jeffrey Myers (Tree of Life * Or L'Simcha Congregation), and Robert P. Jones (CEO, Public Religion Research Institute), the panel discussed religious pluralism and its role in a prosperous democracy. The panel was moderated by Lisa Washington of WQED PBS and KDKA-TV CBS.

The conversation was recorded by WQED and aired Thursday, June 13. It is also available to view online in its entirety. We invite you to view and share the recording of the panel discussion, which is linked below.

The CSS thanks its many partners on this project: Carnegie Mellon University's Center for Africanamerican Urban Studies and the Economy (CAUSE), Princeton University Press, and WQED. We look forward to continuing our successful Our Compelling Interests activities with a book event this October.