The Museum of Paleontology sponsors two professional publication series. The first, Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, was started in 1924 for dissemination of shorter technical reports on specimens in the museum’s collections and other research sponsored by the museum. The second, University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology was added in 1972 for longer monographs.
Digital copies are available and can be found on the University of Michigan's digital library, Deep Blue. Hard copies of these publications are no longer available.
For inquiries please contact the UMMP Publications Editor, Jeff Wilson Mantilla
Papers on Paleontology
The Museum of Paleontology also publishes an occasional series of monographs and thematically related papers in the larger format University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology. This was started in 1972, and 37 volumes have been published to date. These generally range in length from about 50 to 200 pages.
The Museum of Paleontology publishes a regular series of research reports entitled, Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, describing results of Museum field projects, analytical and comparative interpretations of fossils in the Museum's collections. This series was initiated in 1924, and volume 32 comes out to date. There are generally about 15 individual contributions per average 400 page volume.