Assistant Professor Physics
2241 Homer A. Neal Lab
Professor Shankar's research lies at the interface of physics and biology. He is interested in how collective phenomena emerge, how they can be controlled, and how they become functional in soft materials and living systems. To address these questions, Professor Shankar's group employs a combination of theoretical modeling, computational analysis, and tabletop experiments to uncover general principles from specific examples. Some of the current research topics include controlling active fluids that can flow spontaneously, understanding bacterial dynamics in the gut, the role of feedback and the environment in organ morphogenesis, biophysical constraints in cellular/organismal physiology, and designing bio-inspired metamaterials with unusual mechanical responses.
Our research is largely curiosity-driven and often involves strong interdisciplinary collaborations with other experimental and theoretical groups. Professor Shankar is deeply committed to advancing diversity, equity, and belonging in the group by cultivating an inclusive environment that supports the well-being and success of all its members.
Professor Shankar's research can also be found on Google Scholar.