NSF/CEME Decentralization Conference
The NSF/CEME Decentralization Conference Series is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation's National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER). CEME stands for Conferences on Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, a program of the NSF-NBER. The original purpose of CEME was to create several series of standing national seminars on topics related to economics.
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice (GPTP) Workshop
This workshop focuses on how theory can inform practice and what practice reveals about theory. The goal is to evaluate the state-of-the-art in genetic programming by discussing different theories and their value to practitioners of the art and to review problems and observations from practice that challenge existing theory.
This is a small, invitation-only workshop that takes place on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor every other year (and at Michigan State University Campus every other year). The workshop format is informal with plenty of time for discussion.
The papers from the workshop are compiled in a publication.
U of M - SFI Workshop
The annual U-M—SFI Workshop is part of the Center's ongoing partnership with the Santa Fe Institute. This event typically features a keynote presentation that is open to the public with other sessions by invitation only.
The Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM-I2CAM) is a distributed experiment-based multi-institutional partnership whose purpose is to identify major new research themes in complex adaptive matter--the search for an understanding of emergent behavior in hard, soft, and living matter.
UM's ICAM goal is to help encourage the formation of a coherent community of researchers on campus grouped around the general theme of complexity, emergence, and collective effects.