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GSI Opportunities

Like most units on campus, the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures hires qualified graduate students to assist professors with class discussions, lectures, and recitations throughout the academic year. Consistent with the program’s interdisciplinary focus, these graduate student instructors (GSIs) often come from a variety of academic disciplines.


Open GSI appointments vary per term and are dependent on the department’s needs. When an appointment is available, graduate students must meet the following expectations to qualify for consideration:

  • Enrolled as a U-M graduate student 
  • Be within good academic standing in a U-M graduate degree program
  • Make active satisfactory progress towards the degree 
  • Be qualified to conduct teaching that is outlined in the position description

Please note that Ph.D. students are limited to ten (10) terms of teaching, dual degree master’s students to seven (7) terms of teaching, and single degree master’s students to four (4) terms of teaching. For further details on these policies please review LSA’s Ten-Term Rule.