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2021-22 Teacher Program

Religious and Cultural Diversity in MENA and SEA

2021-2022 MENA-SEA Teacher Program and GEEO (Global Exploration for Educators) Trip in Summer 2022

School teachers and community-college instructors today increasingly need expertise and innovative ways to teach about world cultures and global issues.

This program builds a community of Grade 6-14 educators who will enrich and revitalize their teaching together around the topic of: Religious and Cultural Diversity in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and in Southeast Asia (SEA). Throughout the academic year, the cohort of educators will participate in expert-led workshops, discuss assigned readings, attend world-class artistic performances and cultural events, visit houses of worship and museums, and meet with religious leaders and representatives from local MENA and SEA communities. Activities also include exploring classroom strategies for teaching about the topic and developing curricular components and units about MENA and SEA.

Public-health conditions permitting, the cohort will assemble from 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. one Saturday every month between September 2021 and June 2022 (except December), usually on U-M’s Ann Arbor central campus. If public health conditions remain unsafe due to the pandemic, the cohort will convene virtually and remotely until it is safe to assemble in person. 

Public-health conditions permitting, the MENA-SEA Teacher Program also hopes to offer in July 2022 an (optional) GEEO (Global Exploration for Educators) trip to one or more countries in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, or North Africa. On this trip, the cohort will together expand the knowledge and skills acquired in the year-long program to bring their travel experiences directly into their classrooms. The two centers’ outreach coordinator(s) will accompany the participants to help contextualize and reflect upon what they are seeing and learning. Educators’ $1,000 honoraria may be used to offset fees from the GEEO trip. 

Application Deadline: Friday, April 2nd, by when applications must be completed and submitted online or by e-mail.

If submitting online: Materials may be uploaded via the data-intake online form. If you prefer not to upload your materials via the data-intake form, please email your files to:

Rima Hassouneh,; subject heading: “Application to 2021-2022 MENA-SEA Teacher Program.”

Please note: An application without ANY of the five requirements will be considered incomplete, and will NOT be reviewed.

2021-2022 Schedule

The tentative schedule for the 2021-2022 MENA-SEA Teacher Program: 

September 18, 2021; October 23, 2021; November 13, 2021; January 8, 2022; February 12, 2022; March 12, 2022; April 9, 2022; May 7, 2022; June 3, 2022 (falls on a Friday)