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Communication for historians is about conveying content knowledge about the past and working with others to accomplish meaningful goals. Historical insight is in high demand from journalists, policymakers, and members of the public.

PhDs were once trained to consider colleagues in the academy as their primary audience. But history graduate students enter an incredible variety of careers after graduation. U-M History offers opportunities for students to develop a wide range of communication skills to engage with increasingly diverse audiences on a growing number of platforms.

In our department, you can gain hands-on communication skills through a variety of programs, including:

  • Reverb Effect: Transform your scholarship into a podcast for public listeners
  • Career Diversified Seminars: Find a seminar where you can earn credits and learn how to reach broader audiences with your work
  • UCAN History Group: Connect with alumni for professional networking opportunities
  • Internships: Work with an outside organization and learn to communicate historical research and expertise to different, non-expert audiences; available as an alternative to GSI assignments or during the spring-summer term

Learn more and find resources about communication as one of the AHA's five career diversity skills.