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Facilitator Resources



Here are links to some activities around Ann Arbor that Conversation Circle facilitators have found popular in the past.


ELI maintains a Game Library for groups interested in playing. 


In the past, these locations have been especially popular for Conversation Circle meetings (please check for current availabilty/Covid-restrictions, etc):


Other Central Campus locations that have attracted previous circle facilitators include the Ann Arbor District LibraryCommon Cup Coffee, the Law School Commons Café, the Mosher-Jordan the Munger Graduate Residences 8th floor lounge, NYPDPotbelly on State Street, the Rackham lobby, the Ross School of Business Winter Garden or Siegle Café, the School of Education Brandon Center, the School of Social Work lobby, Silvio'sTeaHausTropical Smoothie Cafe, and the Diag. Other North Campus locations include the BBB lobby, the GG Brown atrium, and Songbird Cafe.

Feel free to pick a location just for your first meeting; you and your Circle members can then decide together on a mutually acceptable location for subsequent get-togethers. Just be sure to alert if you change your meeting location.

Finally, North Campus locations are always popular, and tend to fill up within hours, because typically demand is very high and supply is very low.